30 December 2011
Edinburgh Street Party *Almost* Sold Out Day Before...
Well, I was warned many years ago. Apparently Edinburgh Council have a history of ruining things (according to people I know living here all their lives) and the once great Street Party is now "almost sold out" the day before it takes place... Wow! Interesting that the Concert in the Gardens and the Ceilidh at the Corn Exchange, plus the £150+ party at Harvey Nichols and £200+ night at The Balmoral have been sold out for weeks / months. Plus the Street Party used to sell out in October / November with almost 50% more tickets. It is officially now a shadow of what it used to be, all going down hill since the first cancelled night ~2002.
29 December 2011
26 December 2011
Boxing Day Has Everything (For Trees)
Yes, the is another tree related global warming post. It's Boxing Day and it's about 12°C with blue skies. But like i said the other day, this year the seasons have been quite messed up and this one tree has no leaves, weird buds and green leaves on different areas in the middle of winter, 4 days past the shortest day. Very strange (and no Neil, it's nit because the Scousers have nicked the leaves off the other side...)!
24 December 2011
Liverpool Decorate Their Trees With Real Leaves!
It shows how mild it has been this year / Autumn / Winter, this tree at the top of the main street in Liverpool still has its real green leaves on Christmas Eve! To think, this time last year it was -10°C and the base of it was covered in ice and snow...
18 December 2011
Winter Cider Wars: Magner's Spiced Apple & Honey Beats Rekorderlig
It seems as if cider is not just a summer drink now. All big name of cider makers have winter varieties out (so nothing from Bulmer's then) but only one can win. And whose is it? Well, starting at the bottom Magner's Apple & Rhubarb and Kopaberg's Cranberry & Cinnamon are both one time tastes (no real desire to taste them again). Magner's Pear & Ginger is a nice twist but it doesn't feel very seasonal. So to the top two, Magner's Spiced Apple & Honey and Rekorderlig's Apple, Cinnamon & Vanilla. The latter is incredibly drinkable and as a nice twist has the option to be served hot in a customer glass, but only half the serving (250ml vs 500ml). Magner's have added warmth to their staple flavour and it's this depth that makes the drink feel more Christmassy. It was very close, but once again Magner's wins the best cider title. Now if only they were following me on Twitter...
13 December 2011
Katy Perry Is Going 200KM/H In The Wrong Direction
Who says I don't listen to recent music? ;) Yes I know I'm late to the game but I've had this song "running through my head" lately and it's very familiar. Maybe I've lost my mind... Tell me Katy Perry's E.T. isn't heavily "influenced" by t.A.T.u. (and I know t.A.T.u.)...
First up, t.A.T.u.'s All The Things She Said
Now the newer version by Katy Perry, E.T.
First up, t.A.T.u.'s All The Things She Said
Now the newer version by Katy Perry, E.T.
12 December 2011
Tough Act To Follow... Milk on Facebook?
Seriously? I know companies are desperate to jump on the Social Media wagon but really, who is going to follow "Milk" on Facebook and/or Twitter?
3 December 2011
Why Is A Short Guy Advertising To Tall Men?
If "Size Matters", why is a short guy holding a sign advertising clothes for tall men? Sure the sign will be at their eye level, but why not get a tall man to hold it and be seen above the other tall men? Plus surely that guy holding the sign feels really inadequate...
Trams Finally Run Down Princes St in Edinburgh!
It might be off the rails (subtle political comment?) and on the wrong side of the road (blame the German contractors!) but we finally have a "tram" running along Princes Street in Edinburgh. Sadly, this may also be the closest we ever come...
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