3 August 2011

Imran Yusuf - Bring The Thunder

Following last year's show as part of the Free Fringe which was nominated for Best Newcomer (and I missed thanks to a printing error about the final date :-/ ), Imran has found a big 100 seat venue under the Pleasance.  A bright, lively and (mainstream) intense comic, Imran weaves a good set of stories that stem from his unusual background (Arabic name, Muslim religion, brought up in East London, born in East Africa, of Indian Ancestory).  Some of his gags are from safe material (immigrants) but he brings a different slant and seemingly fresh energy to it.  His bits on religion and his personal pilgrimage are little moments that separate him out without being too cliched or relying too heavily on his ethic minority status.  Imran is a very likeable "cheeky-chappie" that has a bright future ahead.  An audience takes to him quickly and his material is entertaining enough without offending anyone.  Three stars and expect to see more of him on watered down TV.

Diane Spencer - All Pervading Madness

Di opens my Fringe for 2011 in the Gilded Balloon (Teviot). She has a well constructed storyline as she tries to describe an epic journey trying to get home, which ends up being her own "ferret is out of the box" moment.  Her style reminds me of Celia Pacquola however I must admit that Celia comes across as more polished and resists the need to throw in some mild-shock moments for a cheap laugh.  There were one or two moments of smiling from some interesting concepts and I left with the feeling that maybe someone else could have performed the story in a bit more of an engaging way (and made it more of a compelling show).  It was a preview show (though she didn't seem to mess anything up) and it was the first show of the evening, and of this year's Fringe, so Di has the potential to tighten this up to 7/10 (3 stars) but as it stands it is just 6/10 (or 2 stars) as it wasn't particularly funny.

Welcome To Edinburgh Fringe 2011!

It's here!  Finally, the 11 months of waiting since the last one ended, the Festival is back!  This year we have some new (controversial) venues, Assembly has been forced out of the Assembly Hall on George Street due to renovations lasting 1.5 years and so they are taking up most of George Square (where the Spigeltent has been for several years, or if you prefer, the main square of Edinburgh University).  Pleasance has a new venue - Beneath, which is a few metres along from the Cabaret.  Finally I have a new gig writing reviews for another site, which be reprised here after a period of exclusivity, but I can't talk about that top secret new gig until next week...!  Four shows kick us off tonight!

30 July 2011

Error 404: The Number For Your Local HSBC Is Not Found

Error 404: The content you are looking for (the number for your local HSBC) cannot be found. Please try banking with a different bank.

25 July 2011

I Hope Kitty Doesn't Bite... Ouch, Too Late!

Bravery beyond belief. And I was genuinely bitten by this tiger cub. And it hurt. And my arm started marked for a good 15 mins. It's okay though, we have both had our rabies shots plus we have a shared spirit in that we are both Liverpool supporters (check out the collar!).

24 July 2011

Planking Over The Bridge Over The Kwai

You know it would have to happen one day... I was part of the first Flash Mob in Scotland, now I may be the first person to "plank" on famous film title...

21 July 2011

Cross Drinking Shit Coffee Off My Bucket List!

After many years of being subjected to shit coffee in the UK (such as instant, or only flavour espresso making all your drinks, yes Costa I'm looking at you, Geography is a Flavour!), I find myself paying a (relatively) extortionate amount for literally shit coffee just because it's the rarest and tastiest stuff in the world... Ah, that's actually a good reason too, plus it's was apparently made famous by the film The Bucket List.

20 July 2011

24 Series 9 Should Have The "Counter Tourist Service"

The following events occurred in realtime. 6:13pm I see a sign for Counter Tourist Service. 6:14pm We burst into laughter. Beep beep, beep beep.

19 July 2011

Cumi Love Honey Sir? But I'm No Longer In Bangkok!

I think we should all have the chance to eat some Cumi Love Honey once in our lives...